Become a GoGreen Financing Community Partner.

Achieve your energy goals and provide your community with the tools to improve their space.

Reach your goals.

Help your community adopt cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions for increased savings and comfort.
  • Co-brand materials with your logo, including flyers, emails, and social media.

  • Get free marketing resources to promote energy efficiency financing with exceptional rates and flexible options.

  • Aid your members, constituents, local business and more in saving energy and money with a green option.

  • Partner with a statewide financing marketing campaign.

Contribute to a greener California.

GoGreen Home

Homeowners and renters can enhance their homes and energy savings by upgrading outdated appliances, adding solar and battery storage, and more. Finance the entire project with low interest rates and no closing costs.
Get started

GoGreen Business

Property owners and tenants can finance basic replacements or extensive building upgrades for their businesses while enjoying quick approvals and a variety of financing options.
Learn more

GoGreen Multifamily

Affordable and market-rate property owners can secure financing for their entire project. From minor improvements to full-scale retrofits, borrowers can access upgrades to common areas and in-unit.
Find out more

Benefit from community partner resources.

GoGreen Home

  • Talking Points

    Use this document to let your members know about the advantages of GoGreen Home.
  • Partner Presentation

    Use this PowerPoint presentation to let your audience know how they can benefit from GoGreen Home.

GoGreen Business

  • Energy Efficiency Made Easy

    This flyer has English on the front and its Spanish translation on the back.

  • Talking Points

    Use this document to let your members know about the advantages of GoGreen Business.

GoGreen Multifamily