Welcome to GoGreen Financing.

Making the Golden State greener by helping Californians make energy-saving upgrades to their homes and businesses.

Green means go.

We are part of the California Hub for Energy Efficiency Financing (CHEEF), a state-administered program working towards a cleaner and more energy-efficient California. Funds from investor-owned utility ratepayers power our program, and we partner with finance providers and local contractors to make it happen. CHEEF is administered by the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA), which is housed in the California State Treasurer’s Office. Learn more on the CAEATFA website

The CHEEF and a series of energy efficiency financing pilot programs were authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and developed in collaboration with the investor-owned utilities:

  • Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®)

  • Southern California Edison (SCE®)

  • Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas®)

  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®)

After demonstrating that the CHEEF programs—publicly known as the GoGreen Financing programs—had established infrastructures for increasing Californians’ access to financing for energy efficiency upgrades, the scope of the programs broadened. The GoGreen Financing programs now not only facilitate financing for energy efficiency projects, they also enable home and business owners to obtain financing for clean energy measures such as solar + battery storage and EV charging.

Program Goals

The State of California has ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change.

An important part of achieving these goals and improving air quality is reducing energy use in existing buildings and opting for equipment that utilizes cleaner fuel types. Billions of dollars are needed for these upgrades, and there is simply not enough government or utility company funding to pay for these investments.

The GoGreen Financing programs seek to:

  • bring about broader and deeper energy savings than can be realized through traditional utility rebate and incentive programs

  • make more private capital available for energy upgrades, so customers have access to financing to make their homes and businesses more comfortable and efficient

  • help traditionally underserved customers access attractive financing

  • serve as a centralized starting point for Californians to finance comprehensive projects including energy efficiency, demand response, and clean energy technologies

Benefit from GoGreen Financing.

  • customers can enjoy reduced rates and longer payback periods for affordable monthly payments

  • finance companies can expand their offerings to existing members, attract new borrowers, and recover up to 90% in the event of charge-off

  • contractors and project developers can increase the number and scope of their projects with no dealer fees

  • the State of California makes significant strides toward reaching its energy savings goals

How it works

The GoGreen Financing programs offer finance companies a credit enhancement in the form of a loss reserve. The loss reserve helps mitigate the risk for finance companies because they can access these funds in the case of a default. This allows the finance companies to offer more attractive terms – like lower rates, larger amounts to borrow, or longer time periods for repayment – than they otherwise could. The credit enhancement also allows finance companies to approve financing for a wider base of borrowers, such as homeowners with lower credit scores or small businesses with only a few years of operating history.

Explore programs.

Get an overview of each program and click to learn more about each program’s features, eligible energy measures, and financing offerings.

  • Eligibility criteria:

    • residential properties of 1 to 4 units, including townhomes, condos or manufactured homes
    • available to owners and renters (with owner’s permission).  Note: self-install measures do not require owner’s permission.
    • property must receive electricity, gas or both from one of the following utilities: PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, SDG&E, or City of Palo Alto Utilities
    • to qualify for bundled solar + storage, battery storage for preexisting solar or EV chargers, property must receive electricity from PG&E, SCE or SDG&E
  • energy upgrades may receive up to $75,000 in financing

  • up to 30% of the credit-enhanced portion of the loan may be used for other home improvements like new cabinetry, paint, or tile

  • view the GoGreen Home Energy Financing program regulations

  • Eligibility criteria:

    • businesses and nonprofits must meet ONE of the following size requirements:
      • 100 or fewer employees
      • annual revenue of less than $16 million
      • meet SBA small business size requirements (annual revenue limits range from $1 million to $41.5 million depending on industry)
    • business or multifamily properties must receive a utility bill from at least one of the following investor-owned utilities: PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, or SDG&E
  • energy upgrades may receive up to $5 million in financing

  • up to 30% of the credit-enhanced portion of the finance amount may be used for other non-energy improvements, such as new landscaping or remodeling

  • finance payments are made directly to the finance company or through the customer’s utility bill with on-bill repayment option

  • view the GoGreen Business Energy Financing program regulations

  • Eligibility criteria:

    • available to owners of affordable and market-rate multifamily properties of 5 or more units
    • in-unit and common area upgrades are eligible for financing
    • requires that properties receive a utility bill from at least one of the following investor-owned utilities: PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, or SDG&E
  • energy upgrades may receive up to $5 million in financing

  • up to 30% of the of the financed amount can be used for non-energy improvements like new landscaping, ADA upgrades, or other renovations

  • finance payments are made directly to the finance company or through the customer’s utility bill with on-bill repayment option

  • view the GoGreen Multifamily Energy Financing program regulations