Submit a completed application with proof of liability insurance and take the one-hour online training. Get started by visiting the Contractor Partners page. When you are enrolled in GoGreen Business, you may present financing through GoGreen Business as an option to your customers. […]
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A customer meeting the definition of a small business who receives service from at least one of California’s four investor-owned utilities (IOUs) – PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, or a Regional Energy Network (REN) or Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) – may apply for financing from a finance company participating in the program. Participating finance companies receive […]
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GoGreen Business offers a lot of flexibility. Depending on finance company approval, projects can be any size up to $5 million, and can include custom upgrades, nonenergy improvements (e.g. landscaping or remodeling) in addition to Eligible Energy Measures (EEMs). Customers have access to multiple products including loans, leases, equipment finance agreements, service agreements and cash-flow […]
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OBF is administered by the utility companies and the financing comes from ratepayer funds. GoGreen Business is administered by the State of California and the financing comes from private financing companies. The two programs offer a variety of benefits and may also be combined on projects. For more information on these two forms of financing, […]
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Participating finance companies will usually pay contractors directly for their work and some offer pre-funding or progress payments for qualifying contractors. Please consult directly with the finance company to explore your options. […]
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Yes, GoGreen Business lenders offer financing for the installation of bundled solar + battery storage systems. Select lenders may allow for extended terms (up to 20 years) to make these clean energy technologies more affordable for California business owners. Financing for standalone battery installations is also available as long as the property has preexisting solar. […]
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No, this program is restricted to the financing of retrofits to save energy in existing buildings. […]
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Yes, GoGreen Business lenders offer financing for the installation of EV charging stations. To see a breakdown of the EV charging options available for financing, please reference the Eligible Energy Measures table. […]
Read More… from Can electric vehicle (EV) charging stations be financed through GoGreen Business?
No. While any measure which receives a rebate or incentive from an IOU, REN or CCA automatically qualifies as an Eligible Energy Measure (EEM) for GoGreen Business, participation in utility programs is not required. If desired on-bill financing (OBF) may be paired with GoGreen Business to finance components of projects that qualify for GoGreen Business, […]
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Measures qualifying using the pre-qualified Eligible Energy Measures list method only need to meet the requirements indicated on the list under the measure name. Measures qualifying for an investor-owned utility (IOU) custom incentive automatically qualify for the program. For measures qualifying by the professional certification method, the Certified Energy Manager or Professional Engineer who is […]
Read More… from Are there any requirements to prove or guarantee energy savings?