Do I have to use a GoGreen Home contractor? What if I do the installation myself?

In order to qualify for a GoGreen Home loan, most energy measures must be installed by an enrolled GoGreen Home contractor. There are some exceptions; you are not required to use a GoGreen Home contractor when: The energy measure is identified as “Eligible for Self-Install” on the Eligible Energy Measures table. This includes appliances, lighting […]

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Are there post-project inspections?

Yes, every project’s paperwork (submitted invoice, certificate of completion, completed permits, safety test results, etc.) will be reviewed to ensure compliance with state and GoGreen Home regulations. For a smaller portion of projects, field verifications may be conducted at the property within 180 days of the loan being enrolled to verify that the eligible measures […]

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What types of projects or measures can be financed through GoGreen Home?

Any measure listed on the Eligible Energy Measures table may be financed through GoGreen Home as long as it meets the stated requirements (for example, ENERGY STAR certified or Title 24). Expenses that are legally and practically necessary to complete the installation of an energy measure can also be included—things like permits, safety testing, electrical […]

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Can I finance the installation of solar panels and battery storage through GoGreen Home?

Yes, select GoGreen Home lenders offer financing options specifically for the installation of bundled solar + battery storage systems. Their loan products have higher loan amounts (up to $75,000) and extended terms (up to 20 years) to make these clean energy technologies more afforable for California homeowners. […]

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What types of properties qualify?

GoGreen Home customers may upgrade a single-family home, townhome, condo, duplex, triplex, fourplex or manufactured home. Renovations for up to four units may be bundled into a single loan. The property must receive electric and/or gas service from any of the following investor-owned utilities: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, […]

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What if electricity for the property is provided by a Public Utility like SMUD, LADWP, or City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU)?

Most projects can be financed through GoGreen Home as long as they meet program guidelines and the property receives natural gas and/or electric service from one of the following investor-owned utilities (IOUs): Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Gas Company, or Southern California Edison. Additionally, CPAU customers are […]

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How does GoGreen Business work?

A customer meeting the definition of a small business who receives service from at least one of California’s four investor-owned utilities (IOUs) – PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, or a Regional Energy Network (REN) or Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) – may apply for financing from a finance company participating in the program. Participating finance companies receive […]

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